Ashley Hart from LifePath will be at the FHS Cafetorium on Tuesday, April 16, at 5:00 pm to discuss services to support individuals with developmental disabilities.
We encourage all parents to attend as there are more people who want and need services to support individuals with developmental disabilities than there are services available leading to the development of interest or waiting lists. Since most of these lists (including the interest list for the important Home and Community Based Services or HCS Medicaid waiver program) are first come, first served, it is vital that you contact our Eligibility Specialists and add your name to the appropriate interest lists as soon as possible. Ms. Hart will be able to discuss some of the services that are available. Your child does not have to be identified with a particular disability to be placed on the list. Please let us know if you will be able to attend! You can RSVP to Lera Miller by emailing her at [email protected] or call 972-782-8319.